
写真(上):JICA九州国際センターの勝田所長より研修修了証を受領するダイー氏(ジンバブエ) 写真(下):閉講式で最後の挨拶をするダイー氏



閉講式終了後 9か国11名の研修員と

閉講式終了後 9か国11名の研修員と




I do not have the slightest eloquence of diction to express our profound gratitude to you for handing to us the button of not only insight but also the technical know-how of tackling our diverse health predicaments.
We had a gist of what the health of our countries out to be, what we can become and what we will definitely become after introspection and rigorous duty for the cause of our health.

We are greatly indebted to The Japan International Cooperation Agency for nominating our countries to participate in the Human resource Development for the Rural Community Health. We recognize and thank you for the time and resources which you invested for our travel, subsistence, learning and tours to make our learning a unique experience. You constantly chipped in to satisfy our needs and wants. Thank you!

The college president, professor Urata, Prof. Okamura, Prof. Igarashi, Prof. Suzuki, Associate Professor Moriyama, Associate Professor Herrera, Associate professor Morinaka, Research Associate Utsunomiya, all lecturers and resource persons at Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing toiled for a staggering 4 weeks imparting knowledge to the participants in spite of your busy schedule. You painstakingly guided us and ultimately supervised development of our own work plans. We are utterly grateful. Moreover, we extend sincere gratitude to students at JRC Kyushu International College of nursing for their convivial company and assistance in carrying out some of our routine tasks. As participants of a training program we felt the students were our colleagues, though at a different vantage point. Health care workers in Munakata, Yame, Yabe and Kumamoto gave us an account of their humanitarian stories in the confines of their diverse niches, which carried many lessons. Last but not least, we would like to thank the populace of Kyushu who taught us about the Japanese culture as portrayed in their castles, artifacts, ceremonies, songs, life stories and healthy Nihon dishes.

We are grateful to have survived the chilly weather, time zone change syndrome, separation from our kith and kin or calamities back home which made us occasionally homesick. Our Program coordinator, Nakano-san and training coordinator, Kawakami-san was constantly available for us despite their pressing commitments. Thank you very much for your lenience and resourcefulness in dealing with us despite our diverse backgrounds.

We now boldly assert that we have a reliable knowledge of the Japanese health care experience and health care delivery. We have incorporated the lessons from the Japanese experience into our work plans. We are definitely going to do a lot, palpably beyond the scope of work plans because we leant a lot.In us you have moulded sprightly personnel, mythical Momotaros, with technical predominance courage enough to confront retrospective propensities and bring better health indicators which will be engraved in the annals of our health systems. We are gingered up by the Japanese experience to surmount new heights, execute our work plans and produce positive results for our organizations and people. This is an end to our training but the beginning of hopefully better things as we enter the finalization phase in our respective countries.

Tinotenda chose (Zimbabwe), Twalumba (Zambia), Shukran jazilan (Sudan), Salamal po (Philippines), Mieddi (Niger), Dhanyabad (Nepal), Lumelang (Lesotho), Kob Jai (Lao PDR), Barak wisg wisgo(Burkina Faso), Arigatou gozaimasu! (原文)
